Our Homework Expectations
We expect all pupils to work hard while they are at school and fully engage with the lessons, activities and events that we organise as part of each class timetable and our extended school day. We want pupils to attend the after school clubs and events that are offered and sign-posted, as well as taking part in hobbies and activities in their communities, and with their families and friends. We want pupils at Meysey Hampton to experience life in all its fullness and this means that we prioritise essential core learning each week and set additional extended and more creative homework tasks to balance this at intervals across the year. All homework is designed to support day-to-day learning and enhance pupils’ knowledge and their recall of it, their experiences and understanding. It is also an opportunity to build effective working partnerships between home and school and bridge the gap between learning at school and learning beyond it. We expect that every child at Meysey is fully supported by their grown-ups to learn inside and outside of school. We expect that all pupils read their school reading book aloud to an adult a minimum of 3 times a week and discuss the events, characters and vocabulary. We expect books to be read and re-read in this time to build fluency. We strongly recommend that additional reading takes place beyond this on a very regular basis and that reading for pleasure is a key part of the children’s home routines. We expect that all pupils practice their phonics/ spellings at least 3 times a week Mon- Fri and strongly recommend that this happens more frequently too. We expect that all pupils learn and reinforce their age-appropriate number facts and make use of TTrockstars alongside this (once introduced in class in Year 1 to 6). We expect that all pupils are provided with the time, quiet space and adult attention to complete all home learning tasks to the very best of their ability. |
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