Our daily act of collective worship provides a shared language of values which builds and maintains our close-knit cohesive school community. Our termly values are rooted in scripture and have been chosen to support, promote and deepen understanding of our school values.
Our Termly Values
Each term we focus on a different value. There are 6 values covered over the year and we take a term to consider each one.
Acts of Worship
There are lots of different opportunities for worship throughout the school year and within every school day. We regularly visit our village church; St Mary's and have visits from our Curate too. We gather together as a school family to experience key Christian and other faith events. Exploring different places of worship is an integral part of our learning and our personal spiritual development.
All classes at Meysey Hampton C of E Primary school have a dedicated reflection area and there are further areas around our school site where we can all enjoy quiet time and find inner peace.
Our Reception class also have timetabled Forest Church sessions, where worship led by Rev. Catie is taken outdoors.
We gather together for our Act of Collective Worship each day in our village hall, and once a month we assemble at St Mary's Church. Everyone is welcome to worship and is warmly greeted by one of our Worship Ambassadors.
Monday: Village Hall - led by Miss Lewis and pupils |