

Courageous advocacy has long been a part of school life at Meysey and there is a tradition and expectation that pupils actively engage in supporting and championing others, as well as causes which are special and meaningful to them. Every child in our school has opportunity to be a courageous advocate for the common good. Courageous advocacy puts our values into action; standing up for what we believe and challenging injustice to bring about change.  So that our pupils develop a secure understanding of what this means, we make opportunities within our curriculum to learn about a host of courageous advocates throughout the school year.  These key figures are often included in our termly topics and include Rosa Parks, Greta Thunberg, Martin Luther King, David Attenborough, Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai, Oskar Schindler and Emmeline Pankhurst, to name just a few. 

Our charity selections

School council representatives organise a poll for charity selections annually.   Each year, we like to focus our fundraising efforts on supporting 2 pupil selected charities – one international charity and one which is closer to home, be that local or national.  While we will continue to support our local foodbank throughout the year, the children also apply their entrepreneurial skills to raise money in support of two new charities.  

These charities will be chosen through democratic elections organised by school council members for our junior pupils and by teacher-supported polling in the infants.  Polling will begin in the Spring term. 

Impact of charity work from previous year's

We continuted to support our local foodback and the children applied their entrepreneurial skills to raise money in support of the World Wildlife Fund and Guide Dogs for the Blind.  Find out more about the children's charity choices: and

As well as supporting our local Foodbank in Cirencester, we raised funds for the international Toilet Twinning organisation and we have been twinned with a Latrine in Alunguli, Democratic Republic of Congo and with a tap in Chicacao, Guatemala. Our donations will enable work to continue in communities to build life changing latrines and our tap twinning donation will help communities to access safe, clean water close to where people live.

Collective Worshop

Our collective worship regularly introduces us to examples of courageous advocacy and reflects upon the significance of our actions as Christians and the strength people find through their beliefs and faith.   


Our harvest festival adds an additional boost to the local Foodbank collection. As a village and school community, we all come together and gave harvest donations to help support vulnerable people in our local area.  

Children in Need/Comic Relief and MacMillan

Each year our Y5/6 pupils plan fundraising activities for Children in Need and Comic Relief.  Activities include talent shows, cake bakes and themed (usually spots!) games and activities. Each Autumn they plan, organise and host a MacMillan Coffee Morning. 

