Outdoor Learning

Every bit of outdoor space is put to good use at Meysey and time outdoors is an important component of our curriculum, enrichment and wider educational offer. 

Our paddock is our on-site green space and used for breaks, PE, storytimes, PSHE, exploration and team building. We like to picnic under the trees in the summer and enjoy Forest School here too when we aren't at Macaroni Woods or out in the copse on Strawberry lane. 

Our paddock has recently seen the welcome addition of our school allotment, tended to by each class and supported by our PTA and local garden charity. 

Our school eco-council also tends the grounds and cares for our school environment. There are always additional pupil helpers, bird spotters, deer watchers and bug-hotel makers on hand to help.

Every class at Meysey has a half-day at Forest School each term and we participate in Outdoor Classroom Day each year. Our infant hub has its own garden area which both classes have access too for lessons and imaginative play.

Beyond our school grounds is our village playing field and pavilion. We make full use of this green space for our Meysey Mile runs, games lessons, sports day, matches and fixtures and BIG events. 
